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minimize_manfred(func, x, step_sizes, lower_bounds=None, upper_bounds=None, max_fun=100000, convergence_direct_search_mode='fast', direction_window=3, xtol=0.01, linesearch_active=True, linesearch_frequency=3, linesearch_n_points=5, max_step_sizes=None, n_evaluations_per_x=1, seed=0, gradient_weight=0.5, momentum=0.05, batch_evaluator=joblib_batch_evaluator, batch_evaluator_options=None)

MANFRED algorithm.

_process_bounds(x, lower_bounds, upper_bounds)

_process_step_sizes(step_sizes, max_step_sizes)

_process_n_evaluations_per_x(n_evaluations_per_x, target_len)

_process_scalar_or_list_arg(arg, target_len=None)

minimize_manfred(func, x, step_sizes, lower_bounds=None, upper_bounds=None, max_fun=100000, convergence_direct_search_mode='fast', direction_window=3, xtol=0.01, linesearch_active=True, linesearch_frequency=3, linesearch_n_points=5, max_step_sizes=None, n_evaluations_per_x=1, seed=0, gradient_weight=0.5, momentum=0.05, batch_evaluator=joblib_batch_evaluator, batch_evaluator_options=None)[source]

MANFRED algorithm.

MANFRED stands for Monotone Approximate Noise resistent algorithm For Robust optimization without Exact Derivatives

It combines a very robust direct search step with an efficient line search step based on a search direction that is a byproduct of the direct search.

It is meant for optimization problems that fulfill the following conditions:

  • A low number of parameters (10 is already a lot)

  • Presence of substantial true noise, i.e. the criterion function is stochastic and the noise is large enough to introduce local minima.

  • Bounds on all parameters are known

  • Nonlinear least square problems where the residuals are available. Moreover, we assume that all parameters influence the residuals positively over the whole parameter space.

Despite being able to handle small local minima introduced by noise, MANFRED is a local optimization algorithm. If you need a global solution in the presence of multiple minima you need to run it from several starting points.

MANFRED has the following features:

  • Highly parallelizable: You can scale MANFRED to up to 2 ** n_params * n_evaluations_per_x cores for a non parallelized criterion function.

  • Monotone: Only function values that actually lead to an improvement are used.

  • xtol (float) – Maximal change in parameter vectors between two iterations to declare convergence.

  • convergence_direct_search_mode (str) – One of “fast”, “thorough”. If thorough, convergence is only declared if a two sided search for all parameters does not yield any improvement.

  • max_fun (int) – Maximal number of criterion evaluations. This The actual number of evaluations might be higher, because we only check at the start of each iteration if the maximum is reached.

  • step_sizes (float or list) – Step size or list of step sizes for the direct search step of the optimization. This step size refers to a rescaled parameter vector where all lower bounds are 0 and all upper bounds are 1. It is thus a relative step size. This is also the step size used to calculate an approximated gradient via finite differences because the approximated gradient is a free by product of the direct search. If a list of step sizes is provided, the algorithm is run with each step size in the list until convergence. Especially for noisy problems it is good to use a list of decreasing step sizes.

  • max_step_sizes (float or list) – Maximum step size that can be taken in any direction during the line search step. This step size also refers to the rescaled parameter vector. It needs to be a float or a list of the same length as step_sizes. A large max_step_size can lead to a fast convergence if the search direction is good. This is especially helpful at the beginning. Later, a small max_step limits the search space for the line search and can thus increase precision.

  • direction_window (int) – How many accepted parameters are used to determine if a parameter has momentum and we can thus switch to one-sided search for that parameter.

  • gradient_weight (float) – The search direction for the line search step is a weighted average of the negative gradient and direction taken in the last successful direct search step (both normalized to unit length). gradient_weight determines the weight of the gradient in this combination. Since the gradient contains quantitative information on the steepness in each direction it can lead to very fast convergence but is more sensitive to noise. Moreover, it only contains first order information. The direction from the direct search contains some second order information and is more robust to noise because it only uses the ordering of function values and not their size.

  • momentum (float) – The search direction is momentum * past search direction + (1 - momentum) * momentum free current search direction. More momentum can help to break out of local minima and to average out noise in the search direction calculation.

  • linesearch_active (bool) – Whether line search is used.

  • linesearch_frequency (int or list) – If linesearch_active is True this number specifies every how many iterations we do a line search step after the direct search step.Line search steps can lead to fast progress and/or refined solutions and the number of required function evaluations does not depend on the dimensionality. The disadvantage is that they make caching more inefficient by leaving the grid and that they make it harder to check convergence of the direct search with a given step size. 3 seems to be a sweet spot. Can be a list with the same length as step_sizes.

  • linesearch_n_points (int) – At how many points the function is evaluated during the line search. More points mean higher precision but also more sensitivity to noise.

  • noise_seed (int) – Starting point of a seed sequence.

  • noise_n_evaluations_per_x (int) – How often the criterion function is evaluated at each parameter vector in order to average out noise.

  • batch_evaluator (callable) – An estimagic batch evaluator.

  • batch_evaluator_options (dict) – Keyword arguments for the batch evaluator.

_process_bounds(x, lower_bounds, upper_bounds)[source]
_process_step_sizes(step_sizes, max_step_sizes)[source]
_process_n_evaluations_per_x(n_evaluations_per_x, target_len)[source]
_process_scalar_or_list_arg(arg, target_len=None)[source]