
Module Contents


create_rapid_test_statistics(demand_by_channel, states, date, params)

Calculate the rapid test statistics.

_calculate_rapid_test_statistics_by_channel(states, rapid_test_results, receives_rapid_test, channel_name)

Calculate the rapid test statistics for one channel or overall.

create_rapid_test_statistics(demand_by_channel, states, date, params)[source]

Calculate the rapid test statistics.

  • demand_by_channel (pandas.DataFrame) – same index as states. Each column is one channel through which rapid tests can be demanded.

  • states (pandas.DataFrame) – sid states DataFrame.

  • date (pandas.Timestamp or str) – date

  • params (pandas.DataFrame) – parameter DataFrame that contains the sensitivity and specificity of the rapid tests


DataFrame with just one column named 0. The

index contains the date, the number of individuals and for each channel the share of the population that demand a test through this channel, the share of tests in each channel that are demanded by infected individuals.

Return type

statistics (pandas.DataFrame)

_calculate_rapid_test_statistics_by_channel(states, rapid_test_results, receives_rapid_test, channel_name)[source]

Calculate the rapid test statistics for one channel or overall.

Naming convention for the denominators:

  • testshare -> n_tests

  • popshare -> n_people

  • number -> n_people / POPULATION_GERMANY

  • states (pandas.DataFrame) – sid states DataFrame.

  • receives_rapid_test (pandas.Series) – boolean Series with the same index as states. This is the demand Series for one channel or overall.

  • rapid_test_result (pandas.Series) – boolean Series with the result for each individual. This is False for individuals that were not tested.

  • channel_name (str) – name of the channel.

